The Power of Our New Nature

Let’s examine a little further the power of Christ’s divine nature in us.

“His divine power has granted to us everything pertaining to life and godliness, through the true knowledge of Him who called us by His own glory and excellence.  For by these He has granted to us His precious and magnificent promises, so that by them you may become partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world” (II Peter 1:3-4).

Christ’s divine power granted to us is supplied by His divine nature planted in us.  Let’s look at each phrase in this incredible new covenant promise.

“His divine power” … This is the power of God that we talked about way back in our first post on God’s power.  This is supernatural power.  This is divine power.  This is the power of God power.  This is not the power of self-discipline.  This is not the power of a strong personality.  This is not the power of positive thinking.  This is divine power.

“Granted to us” … This divine power was gifted to us.  We did nothing to earn it.  It is completely a gift of God’s grace.  We receive it by believing the gospel message of Jesus Christ.

“Everything pertaining to life and godliness” … The word “everything” is so crucial to this promise.  There is nothing missing for you to live the life of Christ through you.  There is nothing missing for you to enjoy a godly walk in this world.  His divine power never comes up short.  You literally have everything you need for life and godliness; given to you by His divine power.

“Through the true knowledge of Him” … With the focus on divine power and divine nature in these two verses, this phrase can be overlooked.  But it is so important.  Our experience of His divine power in us will be greatest when we walk in the “true” knowledge of Jesus.  What does that true knowledge entail?

These are some things that are true about Jesus.  He is the only way to the Father.  He came to give us His life.  He indwells us.  He is living His resurrected life through us.  There is no separation between us and Jesus.  We are deeply loved, fully accepted, and completely forgiven by Jesus.  When you possess this true knowledge of Jesus, you can rest in His unsurpassed gift of grace and all that He accomplished on your behalf.  The Christian life is no longer a struggle.  It is an unfolding of His divine power dwelling in and living through us.

“Who called us by His own glory and excellence” … It was God’s choice to reveal Himself to the world through Jesus.  And we, as His glorious saints, are folded into God’s glory.  He called us to display His glory and virtue to the world.

“He has granted to us His precious and magnificent promises” … His incredible promises are a gift, granted to us.  There is not one thing we have done to earn them.  And they are truly magnificent.  In fact their magnificence, their almost seeming too good to be true, are one reason I think folks fail to believe or embrace them.  But they are true.  The shear amount and power of the promises brought to us though the new covenant and our new identity in Christ is incredible.

“By them you may become partakers of the divine nature” … One of the most powerful and specific promises of the new covenant is your new nature.  When you believed the gospel message of Jesus Christ, you were given a new nature.  Your new nature is inclined toward God, aligned with His ways.  And because it is divine, your new nature carries with it God’s divine power.  Your new righteous nature is wired to live a righteous life.

“Having escaped the corruption that is in the world” … The corrupt nature that is in the world is no longer your nature.  You have escaped from the old and have been clothed with the new.  You are a partaker of the divine nature.  You are not deity.  But you contain the deity!

These two verses have such a great message.  I encourage you to seek the true knowledge of Jesus.  As you do, you will mature in grace and the divine power of His divine nature in you will energize your walk with Him.